+31 (0) 20 894 8936 info@wright-brother.com
Cessna C172 CAAC Level 5 Qualification

Cessna C172 CAAC Level 5 Qualification

We are proud to announce that we qualified Cessna 172 CAAC level 5 in China last week. The simulator has been delivered to Sichuan Longhao Flight Academy and is ready for training after the qualification. We are the first local company in China achieving this...
2nd Anniversary Celebration

2nd Anniversary Celebration

It was an afternoon and evening of festivities at WBFT Netherlands when we celebrated our second anniversary on Thursday December 12 2019. All colleagues, including families were invited for a couple of hours of fun at the Escape World in Hoofddorp where small teams...
Boeing 737NG CAAC Level 5 Qualification

Boeing 737NG CAAC Level 5 Qualification

On Thursday, October 10, 2019, WBFT succeeded in the qualification of its Boeing 737NG Fixed Based Flight Simulator. The training device has received a CAAC Level 5 approval and as such can be used for professional flight training, type rating, and type recurrent...